• Tampa (813) 614-1718

Drainage And Waterproofing Lido Key

Drainage And Waterproofing Lido Key

Drainage And Waterproofing Lido Key, FL
Drainage And Waterproofing Lido Key
Drainage And Waterproofing Lido Key

Foundation Masters, LLC is the leader in Drainage Problems in Lido Key, Florida, we also lead the industry in Waterproofing Systems in Florida. We will provide you with a lifetime warranty on every Waterproofing and Drainage Problem, repair project.

The biggest problem with homes in Lido Key, Florida, is the floor elevation is lower than the exterior yard elevation. This can lead to a number of different problems with drainage around the home. This will lead to flooding in these areas. When these conditions exist it’s very important to make the necessary repairs to Waterproof the Foundation and more importantly control the Drainage Problem.  Poor Drainage can trigger a deadly Sinkhole on your property.

Signs of damage to look for:

  • Damp floors
  • Discoloration in tile or hardwood flooring.
  • Curling of hardwood flooring.
  • Bottom of walls getting wet.
  • Mold odor and standing water around the structure

The picture on the right is damage from moisture coming up from the floor.  If moisture comes in contact with the bottom of your concrete floor it will transfer through the concrete causing the tile to pop free and hardwood flooring to discolor and rot. In extreme cases it will travel up the wall.  When you first notice discoloration in your flooring or in walls its a sign that something is wrong.  Don’t wait! Call us for your free inspection!  Foundation Masters, LLC will give you a permanent solution and back it with a lifetime transferable warranty

Waterproofing Contractor in Lido Key, FL

The right way to Waterproof a home in Lido Key, Florida is to dig a trench against the side of the house about 12″ below the bottom of the slab.  Waterproof the side of the footer, slab and wall below grade with Foundation Masters Seal Tight Waterproofing System.  It’s very important to use Foundation Masters, LLC Waterproofing System.  This System Waterproofs and controls water.  Controlling water in and around your structure is very important in the State of Florida for one very important reason. If the limestone layers below your home have voids or fractures (which they do) poor drainage will cause the soils to erode into these openings and can create a Sinkhole.  Foundation Masters, LLC system will remove all the water around your home keeping any water from absorbing below the system and more importantly out of the limestone layers below your home.  This controlled water will be hard piped or pumped away from the structure to a location we choose.  Install gutters around the house making sure to direct the runoff to a safe location.

For more info call Foundation Masters, LLC  813-614-1718

EMERGENCY  Jeff Earl (owner/operater) 941-201-2672