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High Rise Building Inspectors

High Rise Building Inspectors

High Rise Building Inspectors

High Rise Building Inspectors

High Rise Building Inspectors are very busy following the Florida Champlain Towers South Building Condo collapse.  Foundation Masters, LLC receives around 2-4 calls a day, mostly from concerned residents in high rise condos. These residents are paying more attention to unsightly areas on the buildings, ranging from rust stains to cracking. These residents have a right to be concerned as all high rise buildings should be inspected. If your one of those residents reading this webpage feel free to call me directly (Jeff Earl 941-201-2672) also text me some pictures of the problem area. The next thing to do is send management an email with your concerns (copy me jeff@foundationmasters.com) in most cases management will take your concerns very serious.  

Structural Inspection High Rise

High Rise Building Inspectors

Foundation Masters, LLC recommends High Rise Building Inspectors, structural inspection in the first ten years, then every five years to guarantee the buildings structural components are doing as they where designed to. Florida state building professionals call for mandatory high-rise building inspections.

There is proposed legislation that would require inspections for multifamily buildings taller than three stories across the State of Florida. The first inspection would be required 30 years after construction, with a follow-up every 10 years after that. The first inspection would come at 25 years for buildings within 3 miles of the coast. The big question is wow will enforce these new rules. the building departments and officials that have jurisdiction are all over worked and under payed. If they make these inspections mandatory for every sale or lease, it would put the burden on the owners of these buildings.   

High Rise Building Inspectors Florida

Jeff Earl

Jeff Earl has 25 years in structural design and repair. In the last ten years he has a number of high rise building inspections, repairs, and design options for construction expansion.  The high rise building division makes a full profile of the structure and its conditions, repairs and areas to monitor. The website will have a file for all the residents and staff associate to have access to with that faciality.  High Rise Building Inspectors JEFF EARL.


High Rise Building Inspectors Florida